The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared obesity a "global epidemic."
1. How is obesity defined ?
The condition of obesity, which occurs when the percentage of body fat is so high that it threatens health, is associated with a number of chronic diseases and a shortened lifespan.
However, the true extent of obesity may be even more serious than we think.
Obesity is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, dyslipidemia, liver and gallbladder disease, sleep apnea and breathing problems, osteoarthritis, irregular menstruation, and infertility.
Midlife adiposity is strongly associated with a reduced likelihood of long-term healthy survival.
Obesity has become a priority in national, state, and local public health efforts and in individual patient care.
Consequently, clinical detection of obese individuals has reached critical importance.

2. How is body fat determined?
As the importance of obesity detection increases, it is useful to reevaluate how body fat is determined.
For adults, the body mass index (BMI) is commonly used. Its popularity stems in part from its convenience, safety, and low cost, and its use is widespread, despite its inability to distinguish lean mass from fat mass.
For adults, the overweight and obese ranges are determined using weight and height to calculate a number called 'body mass index' (BMI). However, BMI is actually an indirect surrogate measurement that is considered inaccurate.
This leads to misclassifications and leads many people to believe that they are not at risk for obesity-related diseases, putting them in danger without knowing it.
3. The Role of BMI in Obesity Research
Current research suggests that obesity can be defined as a body fat percentage exceeding 23-25% in men and 30-35% in women.
However, the application of WHO BMI cut-off values in a clinical setting, especially in a population such as the Italian one, leads to classification errors and means that a significant number of individuals, both men and women, are not considered obese based solely on body mass index.
The discrepancy is particularly evident in the classification of obese women.
For example, in the age group between 30 and 40 years, the percentage of obese women calculated using BMI is 30%, but this percentage increases to 82% when referring to body fat percentage .
These results coincide perfectly with the data that we have also been able to record during more than 25 years of body composition analysis and with a study conducted by Prof. Braverman, presented at the congress of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Boston.
In essence, the true prevalence of obesity is approximately three times higher than estimated using BMI , meaning that between 80% and 90% of the world's population is affected by obesity.

4. The Ugly Truth About Global Obesity
It is especially important to note that people with a low amount of muscle mass and excess fat mass, often referred to as "skinny," can easily be classified as non-obese when relying on BMI alone, despite actually being obese in terms of body fat percentage.
It is crucial to consider these data when addressing the issue of obesity and public health.
BMI may underestimate your true health risk, so it is critical to take a more accurate and comprehensive approach to assessing body composition.
5. Conclusion: What can we do for a healthy life?
To help people recognize the real risks associated with obesity and promote a healthier lifestyle, we provide a free online nutritional test that can help you better understand your nutritional needs and receive a personalized meal plan.
We have also created a weight loss guide that you can download for free after taking our test.
Knowledge is the first step to fight obesity. Let's take care of our health and that of our loved ones. Access our online nutritional test and start your journey to a healthier life. Don't wait, act now!
- Review: World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jan 14;22(2):681-703.doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i2.681.