There is a new food paradox in the world! A generalized malnutrition derived from apparently balanced diets, but what can we eat to follow a healthy diet? Today, a balanced diet is no longer enough to feel good.
The phenomenon of malnutrition has always been associated with the third world or with problems related to anorexia and therefore, in general, with malnutrition due to a lack of calories, that is, concerning people who, for various reasons, introduce insufficient quantities of food into their body.
In reality there is another side of the coin that is even more important in numerical terms, malnutrition due to excess calories! Yes, you understood correctly, we are talking about obesity, because you should know that (after a study by the scientific journal “The Lancet”) for every underweight person (malnourished due to a lack of calories) there are more than 2 obese people (malnourished due to excess calories).
To these two increasingly growing and increasingly worrying, but easily predictable scenarios (if you eat too many or too few calories you will most likely end up with malnutrition), a third one is added that we would define as more subtle and less visible , the one we were talking about at the beginning of this article: the paradox of malnutrition that affects people who eat in a balanced way and with the correct amount of calories .
Now I think the question comes naturally to you:
Is malnutrition possible despite my balanced diet?
As I told you before, today a balanced diet is no longer enough to feel good .
In fact, you should know that this particular sub-clinical condition is unknown to most people (perhaps even to you) and this means that even the habitual health-conscious person, who is careful about his diet, may still find nutritional deficiencies , despite his rigorous diet and this could (let's say could, we don't want to be alarmist) lead to the onset of chronic pathologies .
Tell the truth, you are still not convinced of what we are telling you, but in the next paragraph you will have everything clearer, and then each of our articles is based on verified and recognized scientific research and discoveries!

If I follow an impeccable diet, how can I have nutritional deficiencies?
As unthinkable as it may be, a nutritional deficiency if you follow a strict diet is possible and the causes are many, but among these the main culprits are 2:
- Exogenous causes: they are strictly related to the depletion of minerals, trace elements and micronutrients (among which we find: iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium) in the soil. This “phenomenon” can be attributed mainly to new cultivation methods that include chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Furthermore, we can also include the following among the exogenous causes:
- Environmental contaminants that we can find in the water, air and food we eat, capable of binding to the receptors of our cells “stealing” space from trace minerals.
- The increase in consumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient-density foods (think fast food).
- Endogenous causes: this is where the so-called intestinal malabsorption syndrome mainly comes in, a much more common situation than we think, which prevents our body from assimilating important nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals).
Very often what causes malabsorption of vitamins and minerals is an inability of our organism to break down (through enzymes) the foods made with genetically modified raw materials ( GMOs , irradiation, etc.) that we eat.
The most emblematic case is gluten intolerance that we find in modern varieties of wheat , which has a high molecular weight and is less easily digestible, for this reason we recommend that you always eat foods based on ancient durum wheat .
In conclusion, what can we do besides a balanced diet?
In this article we have seen that a balanced diet is no longer enough to feel good and that nutrient deficiencies are often difficult to perceive, in fact in the world there are approximately 2 billion people who suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of trace minerals (1/4 of the world's population).
If we add to these the 2 billion overweight people in the world (also deficient in vitamins and minerals) we can say that, excluding people who overeat, all the others are potentially deficient in minerals .
Preventing this type of malnutrition is possible by evaluating a mineral-based supplement , taking into account 2 fundamental elements:
- Our circadian cycles (here we explain in detail what they are: “ Your circadian rhythms are out of whack ”) to decide the best time to take in the minerals we are deficient in.
- The molecular form to make the mineral more bioavailable and biocompatible with our body, making it more effective and safe.
At Swiss Natural Med we do just this, we want you to express your genetic potential to the fullest, using all our know-how to guarantee you increasingly effective and safe products .
Do you want help improving your health?
Access our online nutritional test now to receive specific nutritional advice and a personalized meal plan that will help you live a healthy life.
Take control of your life and adopt a proactive approach to health and nutrition.
- Nutr Clin Pract. 2020 Apr;35(2):315-322. doi: 10.1002/ncp.10373. Epub 2019 Jul 25.; Nutrients. 2019 Jan 4;11(1):85.doi: 10.3390/nu11010085.
- Nutrients. 2018 Oct 17;10(10):1531. doi: 10.3390/nu10101531.; J. Nutr. 2014 August;144(8):1322S-1342S, J Nutr. 2017 September 19;16 (1):60
- www.worldometers.ifo