In this article we will explain the 5 good reasons to take a cold shower in the morning, what are the positive effects on our body and why you should absolutely include it in your morning routine.
The benefits of cold showers
You should know that in our society there has been a progressive loss of natural stimuli such as physical exercise and thermal stimuli . In this article we will focus on this second point, thermal stimuli.
Today, in fact, we avoid the stress generated by cold and heat as often as possible .
This behavior can lead, in combination with other “unhealthy” behaviors, to the onset of degenerative diseases of the skeletal and muscular system, cardiac and infectious diseases.
Furthermore, it has been proven that the thermal shocks that our body undergoes in the morning, such as jumping into the shower under a nice jet of cold water, are an excellent tool for improving our organism's resistance .
Should I take a cold shower even if I'm already cold when I wake up?
We know that it is usually not an instinctive thing to do and that is why we all often try to find an excuse to avoid it .
The truth is that the benefits of a cold shower in the morning far outweigh the uncomfortable feeling it can create.
Once you start, you will immediately notice an increase in your focus and energy throughout your day .
We want to help you by giving you some little tricks to overcome this "new challenge"
- Create a positive mental set, for example think “nothing can stop me”
- Put on a high-octane piece of music
- Do some physical activity before getting in the shower
- Start with a hot shower and introduce a lower temperature towards the end for a few seconds, to increase in the following days and reach 30 seconds of cold shower.
What are the 5 good reasons to take a cold shower in the morning?
Many studies have claimed that a cold bath has multiple beneficial effects on health, in particular it acts on:
- Immune system
- Cardiovascular circulation
- Vitality
We have therefore delved into each individual beneficial aspect. Here they are below:

1. Cold showers increase energy levels
Cold water activates brown fat, a fat that is essential for the health of our body. People who started taking cold showers in the morning immediately noticed, among the many benefits, an almost immediate increase in perceived energy levels , it was compared to the effect you would get by drinking 3 coffees .
In fact, it has been shown that cold stress reduces serotonin levels in most regions of the brain and simultaneously increases endorphin and cortisol levels in the blood.
2. Cold shower improves mood and mind
Contrary to what you might think, a cold shower brings with it a strong physiological stress that is beneficial for our body as it helps us fight depression , a mood disorder that can manifest itself by modifying emotions and behavior.
It is known that exposure to cold activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the blood level of beta-endorphin and also increases the synaptic release of norepinephrine in the brain.
You should know that the progression of degenerative diseases could be slowed down or even stopped by constant thermal exercise such as cold shower.
3. Strengthening the immune system
An incredible study from PLoS One (in 2016) reported that, in a group of workers, incorporating cold showers into their routine reduced sick leave by 29% .
If we add to this constant physical activity, the reduction due to illness reached as much as 54%.
4. Increased metabolism
During a cold shower your muscles will start to tremble involuntarily, the famous shivers.
This is the body's way of maintaining its temperature. Shivering , specifically, generates heat and in doing so consumes calories and therefore encourages the metabolism to accelerate .
5. Improves antioxidant capacity and decreases uric acid
As early as the 1990s, it was discovered that the decrease in uric acid was a direct consequence of repeated exposure to cold.
Among the many benefits of cold showers, constant thermal stress causes an antioxidant adaptation of our body , a mechanism that puts into practice as a consequence and determines a greater resistance to diseases.
Furthermore, some studies have even concluded that cold showers increase male fertility.
It might be normal that you don't feel like taking a cold shower in the morning.
In addition to all the health benefits we've already talked about, taking a cold shower also means acquiring iron self-discipline .
If you want to achieve a great result, there will be pleasant moments and difficult ones, but we are sure that the result you will achieve will be far superior to the efforts made.

How long should a cold shower last?
Now that you understand that a cold shower in the morning is an absolute must for living a healthy life, we want to give you some tips on how to do it best .
It only takes 30 seconds! It would seem that the duration of the cold shower does not influence the benefit it can bring, in fact the physiological response that our body gives manifests itself in the first 30 seconds because it is a neurogenetic response and not hormonal.
Is there an ideal time to take a cold shower in the morning?
Cortisol, the stress hormone that is released during times of heightened tension, varies throughout the day, and our energy varies accordingly.
To provide our body with the necessary energy we recommend taking a cold shower within the first 30 minutes after waking up.
In fact, at this time of day, cortisol should be at its highest peak.
A cold shower upon waking up also helps realign cortisol levels with the correct sleep-wake rhythm (if you want to find out more, read our article: Are your circadian rhythms “wrong”? ).
You should know that chronic stress , which is characterized by constantly high levels of cortisol even during the evening, increases the risk of arteriosclerosis related to hypertension and cardiovascular risk, as well as weakening your immune system.
In addition to all these health tips, a cold shower is also good for the hair and skin of those who have the courage to take it.

To conclude with the benefits of cold showers
We want to conclude this article with a curiosity.
In the Netherlands there has been an increase in cold showers in recent years .
It's all due to the popularity of a health and mentality-related technique, characterized by exposure to cold and created by Wim Hof, nicknamed “The Iceman” for his ability to maintain a constant body temperature in extremely cold conditions.
Cold shower benefits in summary
If you're still wondering whether it's worth taking a cold shower in the morning, there are at least five good reasons to do so.
First, a cold shower can significantly increase your energy levels, comparable to the effect of drinking three cups of coffee.
Additionally, it can improve your mood and mental health, helping to fight depression.
This practice can also boost your immune system, significantly reducing sick leave.
Plus, the shaking of your muscles during a cold shower boosts your metabolism, helping you burn extra calories.
Finally, a cold shower can improve your body’s antioxidant capacity and reduce uric acid levels, contributing to greater resistance to disease.
So, while it may seem like a challenge, the benefits of a cold shower in the morning far outweigh the initial discomfort.
- doi: 10.1186 / 1744-9081-3-55
- Nature volume 518, pages 177–178(2015)