In this article we will understand together if stress makes us gain weight, but first let's give a fact: the number of people affected by obesity has significantly increased, in recent decades, throughout the world.
Today we will understand the relationship between obesity and cortisol, but let's start from here: abdominal obesity is often aggravated by metabolic disorders such as: insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension.
These disorders are called metabolic syndrome (MetS) which in many cases leads to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide (according to WHO).

What is the main cause of weight gain?
The main cause of weight gain, worldwide, can be attributed to an imbalance between daily food intake and energy expenditure , but in reality other factors such as genetics and, above all, environmental factors also play a role.
Among environmental causes, cortisol (the stress hormone) is increasingly playing a leading role among the causes of obesity, according to scientific studies and research.
So from this first introduction we immediately understood that stress (high and constant levels of cortisol) contributes to obesity and therefore makes us gain weight.
Does stress make us fat? How much does it affect our weight?
The studies also revealed a very interesting correlation: in people affected by obesity (often also affected by metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases) , the intake of high glycemic index foods (sweets and various sugars) led to an increase in stress levels and a decrease in average hours of sleep.
From these studies we can conclude that there is a sort of “continuous cycle” between obesity, unhealthy lifestyle and increased levels of cortisol (and therefore stress), which maintains or increases the weight of those affected. Stress, in addition to making us gain weight, also prevents us from losing weight!

Is it all about cortisol? How can we measure it?
The answer we can give you is yes, in addition to being an excellent indicator , cortisol, or rather chronically high levels of it, has been discovered to be one of the main causes of weight gain .
Let's delve a little deeper into this interesting point: for years, most of the studies that linked obesity and stress always ended with fluctuating and contrasting results. This is because the measurement of cortisol was done through serum, saliva or urine, which were not reliable indicators as they were subject to daily oscillations mainly due to the circadian rhythm (don't know what circadian cycles are? Run and read our article "Are your circadian rhythms out of whack?" ) and, moreover, they did not provide long-term indications.
In recent years, however, measurements of cortisol levels have become much more indicative and revealing, starting from the hair on the scalp (with an average growth of 1 cm per month, they are an excellent and long-term indicator).
Starting from the hair, it was discovered that high cortisol levels corresponded to a higher weight and a larger waist circumference . This discovery gives a further positive answer to our initial question, does stress make us fat?

Obesity, a social factor
Another research, conducted by Jackson et al., that should make us think, shows that obese people who are socially discriminated against for their weight have higher long-term cortisol levels (measured in hair) than people in the same body condition, but not subjected to injustice, jokes and discrimination.
This shows that high levels of cortisol (which translates into stress) and therefore chronic obesity are also affected by the social context which can activate a dangerous vicious circle.
What causes high cortisol?

The best way to conclude this article, in our opinion, is to understand and discover what causes high cortisol and what can be done to avoid the risk of obesity.
Below we want to give you a list of the main and proven factors that contribute to high cortisol levels in the long term:
- Alcohol intake
- Chronic stress
- Sleep deprivation
- Body pain and inflammation
- High glycemic index foods
In conclusion
Today we tried to answer the question does stress make us fat? By analyzing together studies and scientific research that prove the correlation between high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and obesity, the advice we can give you is to take care of your nutritional health by adopting a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet (not sure where to start? Take our test now and find out in just 5 minutes what to do to reach the best version of yourself).
Because, remember, elevated cortisol is not only a cause of obesity, but can also be a precursor to metabolic and heart disease.
- Elizabeth FC van Rossum
- Jackson et al