Losing weight quickly is a common goal for many people, eager to achieve tangible results in the shortest time possible.
In this weight loss guide, we will explore strategies, tips, and supplements that are helpful for those looking to lose weight quickly in a healthy and effective way.
1. How to Lose Weight Fast: Let's start by clarifying the terms
First of all, it is necessary to make a fundamental distinction: losing weight quickly and losing weight quickly are not equivalent concepts .
If the goal is to lose weight quickly, this is a fairly simple goal, since weight loss is non-specific and therefore at the expense of any compartment of the body, extracellular water and intracellular water , muscle mass, fat mass, etc.

If, on the other hand, you aim to lose weight quickly , this is a much more specific objective that only concerns the fat mass compartment, so it is essential to define what is meant by the term "quickly", to avoid immediately orienting ourselves towards fanciful expectations, since this term actually indicates a progress in weight loss that is higher than the statistical average.
But do you know the average statistics in weight loss?
It is important to get your expectations straight from the start, as the goal of this article is not to dazzle readers, but to serve as a guide to illustrate how to realistically accelerate weight loss .
Furthermore, we want to emphasize the limits of healthy weight loss in order to provide clear and honest information, based on scientific evidence, to enable the reader to avoid scams that exploit the ambiguity of similar terms.
2. Accelerated weight loss: what to expect
The necessary analysis focuses on the timing of weight loss, since there is an average percentage of monthly reduction that must be calculated specifically in relation to the body fat compartment.
This percentage is on average around 4% , which means that, for example, if you weigh 100 kg with 50% fat you have 50 kg of fat mass. You can objectively expect to lose about 2 kg of fat mass every month, and there is no diet to increase this percentage, but there are multifactorial approaches that are able to speed up your weight loss by 200%.

How many kilos can you lose in a month at most?
By applying the most significant and advanced methods available today, which we will explore in detail in this article, it is possible to aspire to a more accelerated rate of weight loss, reaching percentages in the order of 8-10%.
For example: a person who weighs 100kg and has 50% fat, means losing up to 5kg of fat mass per month.
3. A Quick Start: How to Lose Weight Fast in a Week
The frequently asked question "How to lose weight in a week?" clearly shows how important it is for people to immediately perceive concrete results.
Sometimes, the time it takes to achieve significant weight loss is crucial.
If overweight or obese people do not perceive goals within 10 days, they may lose motivation and abandon the nutritional protocol, triggering the yo-yo effect.
Setting more realistic, short-term goals through lifestyle changes could be the key to success in losing weight fast.
To get a more accurate assessment of your weight loss progress, we recommend using suitable tools such as a skinfold caliper, the plastic tool shown in the photo below, or relying on the feel of your pants or a tight shirt.
Measuring weight loss by weight alone on the scale can be misleading , as it takes into account all body compartments (water, lean mass, fat mass, glycogen, etc.).
A more objective method is to check whether trousers that are particularly tight at the beginning of the journey fit more comfortably after a week, thus offering a tangible perception of improvement already within a week.
This approach provides more specific information than the generic measurement of overall weight measured with the scale.

4. Which diets are considered the most effective for weight loss?
According to an article published in the famous scientific journal THE LANCET, studies lasting more than 1 year show no significant differences between the prescribed diets, nor clinically significant differences in maintained weight loss.
The physiology underlying these weight trajectories indicates a significant role for physiological feedback mechanisms in resisting weight loss.
However, the typical weight trajectory is mainly driven by a decrease in diet adherence over time , due to an increase in appetite in proportion to weight loss, together with difficulty maintaining changes in food choices and eating behaviors.

The challenge of dietary adherence is so significant that even in short-term studies, where all meals are provided, adherence is poor.
Incorrect self-reporting of food intake through common methods such as 24-hour recall or food frequency questionnaire leads to incorrect speculations about decreased energy expenditure as the primary cause of body weight plateaus.
While there are many long-term success stories for various dietary approaches, individual variability within each dietary group is high.
The key to successful weight management is long-term dietary adherence, emphasizing the need to understand individual differences that influence diet maintenance.
Efforts should focus on how to target effective diets to individual patients and improve understanding of the real factors that influence patients' ability to maintain healthy dietary changes, such as food environment, socioeconomic factors, cooking skills, work requirements, medical comorbidities, and more.
Although we have just understood that the long-term result could be similar regardless of the type of diet, we want to present you the short-term results of the two diets most recommended by experts.
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GO TO THE NUTRITIONAL TEST5. Mediterranean vs. Ketogenic Diet: Nutritional Choices Compared
The Mediterranean Diet (MD) and the Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) are among the most recommended by health professionals for their positive effects on weight loss, particularly on fat mass and preservation of lean mass.
The Mediterranean Diet (MD), recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2010, promotes the consumption of local foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, oily fish, eggs, white meat and dairy products.
The diet emphasizes low consumption of red and processed meats, encouraging proper hydration, extra virgin olive oil, home cooking, shared meals, physical activity, relaxation, and rest.
Studies indicate benefits not only in weight loss but also in cardiovascular risk factors, cognitive function, and mood.
6. Low Calorie Ketogenic: Benefits and Recommendations
The ketogenic diet, with less than 30-50 g/day of carbohydrates, induces a state of ketosis.
This metabolic process produces ketone bodies which are used as the primary source of energy.
There are several variations of ketogenic diets, including the Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD), which provides less than 700–800 kcal/day with low carbohydrates and fat, primarily from olive oil.
Although VLCKD can lead to significant weight loss, it is contraindicated in certain conditions such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), recent cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events, liver and renal insufficiency, episodes of gout, kidney stones, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, psychiatric illness, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
In all cases, VLCKD should be followed only for short periods , under medical supervision.
7. Final results: which is more effective between the Mediterranean Diet and the Ketogenic Diet?
Comparing all parameters between the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and the Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) in the male group, no significant differences emerged.
In women, it was observed that the Mediterranean Diet (MD) produced superior results compared to the VLCKD in:
- Reduction in waist circumference (−6.8 ± 3.5 cm vs. −5.54 ± 1.97 cm; p = 0.0020)
- Fat mass loss (−3.27 ± 2.69% vs. −2.24 ± 2.21%; p = 0.0034)
- Higher percentage of total body water (2.42 ± 2.09 vs. 1.72 ± 1.49; p = 0.0076)
- Greater percentage of lean mass (3.06 ± 2.73% vs. 2.31 ± 1.92%; p = 0.0251)
This comparison was carried out in a study involving 374 overweight or obese male and female subjects, consecutively enrolled at the Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Unit of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome from December 2021 to May 2022.
8. Low-calorie, negative-calorie or metabolism-boosting foods: which are the most effective for losing weight quickly?
What to Eat to Lose Weight Fast?
To avoid confusion about terminology, it is essential to specify that some foods can facilitate faster weight loss but this does not necessarily mean that faster weight loss is occurring.
For example, foods rich in potassium and low in calories or supplements such as micronized potassium bicarbonate diluted in water can help restore a correct sodium:potassium ratio, helping the body to eliminate excess sodium and reducing any peripheral water retention.
This process could lead to a rapid decrease in body weight.
Another crucial food group includes some diuretic vegetables rich in fiber and micronutrients, characterized by a low calorie content, ideal to consume during dinner, such as fennel, cucumber and green leafy vegetables.
Ensure proper nutritional intake to accelerate weight loss
Numerous scientific publications and international health organizations have highlighted widespread deficiencies of essential micronutrients, including magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and vitamin K2, in various populations.
These deficiencies can compromise proper metabolic function, highlighting the importance of replenishing these micronutrients in the body to avoid stalling weight loss.
The first step towards healthy weight loss consists in reintroducing these nutrients through foods rich in minerals and vitamins, preferably low in calories (although increasingly rare), or through the use of natural supplements, such as the DAY-UP kit, 3 natural supplements designed to reactivate the metabolism.
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Buy Now<Low-calorie foods: the key to an effective diet?
Introducing nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods is essential to an effective weight loss diet.
However, the reality is that many modern foods tend to be increasingly caloric and nutrient deficient. A tangible example is fruit, which, to satisfy market preferences, has undergone genetic crossbreeding to create increasingly sweeter varieties (even up to 20 times sweeter), but often at the expense of essential minerals and vitamins.
It is important to note that an effective diet cannot be based exclusively on low-calorie foods.
The body is incredibly adaptable and, if exposed to a constant insufficient caloric intake, would reduce its daily calorie expenditure in an attempt to survive.
This reaction can further complicate the weight loss process, requiring a more balanced and sustainable approach.
9. Low-calorie foods for dinner for a night-time well-being
Low-calorie foods are particularly suitable for the evening dinner, since at that time of day the energy requirement is generally lower.
This targeted choice can help keep postprandial blood sugar levels stable, allowing the immune system to perform its functions effectively during the night.
Through this strategy, during sleep, the body has greater opportunities to perform regenerative and recovery processes, allowing us to wake up in the morning with a feeling of vitality and energy.
Opting for light, nutritious foods in the evening not only supports better energy management, but also a more effective night's sleep , thus contributing to overall well-being.
Low-calorie foods are those foods that provide a low caloric content in relation to their volume or weight.
These foods are often high in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but contain fewer calories than other, higher-calorie foods. Some examples of low-calorie foods include:
- Leafy Greens : Spinach, kale, lettuce and other leafy greens are rich in fiber and essential nutrients with few calories.
- Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber and nutrients with few calories.
- Cucumbers: They have a high water content and are extremely low in calories.
- Zucchini: They have a consistency similar to pasta and are low in calories.
- Fennel : It is considered the food with the lowest energy intake 9Kcal per 100g.
- Legumes : Fava beans, lentils and chickpeas are rich in fibre and protein with a moderate calorie content.
- Herbal Teas : While not technically considered foods, drinking herbal teas such as peppermint can help control your appetite and keep your overall calorie intake low.

It is important to note that a balanced diet should include a variety of foods to ensure adequate intake of all essential nutrients.
The key is to find a balance between low-calorie foods and other nutritious foods to support overall health and well-being.
10. Speed up your metabolism to lose weight quickly how to do it
In the context of managing your metabolism to optimize weight loss, we will explore natural strategies to speed up your metabolism.
In this journey, we will discover methods that, without resorting to extreme solutions, can efficiently stimulate the metabolism, while promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Through simple changes to your daily routine, you can increase the effectiveness of your metabolic process to achieve faster, longer-lasting weight loss goals.
An effective complement to speed up metabolism is physical exercise.
It is advisable to combine aerobic activities, such as walking or cycling, with anaerobic muscle training, such as calisthenics or weight lifting in the gym.
Additionally, introducing relaxation techniques in the late afternoon, aimed at reducing cortisol, known as the stress hormone, can promote weight loss.
This practice not only speeds up the metabolism but also helps to restore hormonal balance throughout the day.
11. Supplements to Lose Weight Fast
We delve into the world of supplements, with an in-depth analysis of those that can support rapid weight loss safely.
Dietary supplements for weight loss come in a wide variety of products, including capsules, tablets, liquids, powders, and bars. Manufacturers promote them with a variety of claims, such as reducing macronutrient absorption, controlling appetite, decreasing body fat and weight, and increasing metabolism and thermogenesis.
The composition of these supplements can include a wide range of ingredients, sometimes exceeding 90 different substances.
Common elements include botanicals, dietary fiber, caffeine, and some minerals. In a report on weight-loss supplements, the U.S. Government Accountability Office stated that "little is known about the effectiveness of weight-loss supplements, but some have been associated with potential physical harm."
Many of these solutions are expensive , and some of their ingredients can interact or interfere with certain medications.
Therefore, it is essential to evaluate what is known and unknown about each component before undertaking the use of any dietary supplement for weight loss.
This precaution is especially crucial for those who are dealing with medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or heart and liver disorders.
12. The main categories of supplements sold for weight loss
- Thermogenics : They are sold as substances that promote thermogenesis, i.e. the process by which the body burns calories to generate heat, contributing to an increase in energy expenditure. The main substances sold are: Bitter Orange, Pure Caffeine, Green Coffee extract, Green Tea extract, Guarana, Yohimbe, Kola nut, Yerba mate, Capsaicin, Fucoxanthin and Carnitine. In the literature there are studies with medium or low evidence and poor methodological quality , probably due to the difference in quality and format that the supplements had, the material is considered insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.
- Thyroid Stimulators : Substances such as iodine are marketed with the aim of accelerating thyroid function. The thyroid plays a key role in controlling metabolism, and some substances can influence its activity. In the literature there are studies with low evidence and poor methodological quality , probably due to the difference in quality and format that the supplements had, the material is considered insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.
- Satiating or anorectic : These supplements often contain fibers that have the ability to generate a feeling of satiety or create volume in the stomach, slowing the absorption of the meal. This can help control appetite. Beta-glucans, Chitosan, Glucomannan, Guar Gum, Hoodia In the literature there are studies with medium or low evidence and poor methodological quality , probably due to the difference in quality and format that the supplements had, the material is considered insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.
Even after a thorough review of the most popular weight loss supplements, published in the renowned journal Nutrients, it was concluded that although many of these supplements may have an anti-obesogenic effect, none of them is able to cause clinically significant weight loss. This underlines the fact that THERE IS NO SUPPLEMENT THAT ALONE IS ABLE TO INDUCE WEIGHT LOSS .
Achieving your fast weight loss goal requires a combination of smart strategies, balanced nutrition, physical activity, adequate sleep and the support of nutrient-rich foods or specific natural supplements.
- Maintaining an adequate ratio of quality carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the diet is essential to providing the body with the nutrients it needs.
- Combining this balanced diet with an adequate intake of water helps support the metabolism.
- Make sure you integrate the most important micronutrients, even in the form of a natural supplement if it would be a more convenient solution.
- Schedule regular aerobic and anaerobic exercise sessions to maintain muscle mass and increase daily calorie expenditure.
- Spending time on relaxation practices, such as meditation, in the late afternoon can help reduce stress, creating a more conducive physiological environment for weight loss.
- Getting an adequate night’s rest, with at least 8 hours of sleep, completes this overall strategy.
By adopting these habits, you create a comprehensive and sustainable approach to accelerate weight loss, promoting not only short-term results but also the long-term maintenance of a healthy, balanced body weight.
- National Institutes of Health: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/WeightLoss-HealthProfessional/
- Nutrients. 2020 Sep; 12(9): 2873.doi: 10.3390/nu12092873 Current Evidence to Propose Different Food Supplements for Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Review
- Thyroid Res. 2021; 14: 25.doi: 10.1186/s13044-021-00116-y Nutritional iodine status and obesity
- The Lancet; Weight loss diet studies: we need help not hype; August 27, 2016: doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31338-1